Every season, whether you’ve put in the time, trained hard, or are coming back after a long time off, you have this idea of what you used to be able to do.
Maybe you’re stronger, maybe you’re not, maybe you’ve been out of the game for years and you’re fat and weak.
The key is to be gentle with yourself. To go into it with no expectations.
We all think, “But I was a Grandmaster, I should be able to…”
Yeah! You USED to be. You’re not anymore. That skill depreciated and like a house that’s been neglected for a decade, you’re going to have to take her down to the studs and start over.
Sure you’ve got a solid foundation and good framework, but you need to gut everything and go again.
Fortunately, there’re really only a few questions that you have to be able to answer.
Do you enjoy the activity?
Do you enjoy the people?
Is it fun? Do you want to do it?
Are you willing to put in the time?
Once you’ve answered these questions with an affirmative, you’re ready to get back to the crag or the gym. And once you’ve made that long journey back, you’ve got to go easy on yourself. Decide to give yourself a grace period and let go of any expectations.
Regardless of where you were before, it isn’t necessary or helpful to be upset with your performance, because you’ve only just returned, you’re just getting going. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes time. The point is to say to yourself, “I’m back!”